



Fahri, Azzat & Co. offers funded mini-pupillages to applicants who we consider would, or might, be realistic candidates for pupillage in the future. Mini-pupillages are generally for one month but may be shorter depending on the availability of the mini-pupil.

Mini-pupils generally sit with a junior member of the Firm, but commonly have the chance to see the work of more senior members (often attending Court or conferences). We also try to ensure that all mini-pupils have the opportunity to meet members of the Firm in an informal setting, to give them some feeling for the atmosphere of the Firm as well as its range of work.

As with pupillage, we accept applications from candidates who are studying law at local or foreign universities. However, as the Firm’s work is specialised and we receive a large number of applications, we usually only offer mini-pupillages to candidates who are in their final year studying law at university or who have already completed their academic legal studies.

COVID-19 Update

Fahri, Azzat & Co. is continuing to accept applications for mini-pupillages, although the number of mini-pupils which the Firm is able to accommodate is necessarily reduced as a result of the ongoing pandemic. Accordingly, if you are not successful in your application for mini-pupillage on this occasion, please do not be deterred from applying again in the future.

Applications for mini-pupillages are considered on a rolling-basis throughout the year.

It is intended that successful candidates will be hosted in Fahri, Azzat & Co. in the usual way, although alternative arrangements will be made in the event that Government guidance makes this impossible.  The Firm will make every effort to ensure that, even if mini-pupils cannot be hosted in Chambers, the mini-pupillage experience remains an enjoyable, informative, and useful one.

Applications for mini-pupillage should be made by short covering letter and CV (including a breakdown of examination grades by subject) to Baharudin Lajan. Applications by email are preferred, and should be sent to intern.abdulmalek@fahriazzatco.com.